Sunny days, extremely sunny days at Aurora. Perfect blue sky, vivid red and yellow and copper trees, a pure pleasure to walk and work and simply lay down in the sun, caressed by the colours and the warm light of the autumn. Then rainy, extremely rainy days have arrived. Dark heavy skies and leaves falling hastily and night clouds running so fast as if it the stars were supposed to be dancing to our amazement. All muddy all of a sudden, so muddy that the brave La Frontera remained hopelessly stuck in a slope from where we had to wave her goodbye and go down the hill by foot in the rainy morning.
We came back from the Deep Ecology workshop full of energy to get things done, now in a family of eight. Yet again the full moon brought us full sunny days and a brand new winter schedule that we eagerly aim for suiting better our needs.
By this time the few remaining apples dangle in midair in the leafless trees and we say ‘just leave it there’ for the sheer enchantment of our eyes. Other things call us to action.
One evening, after the bread and apple pie celebration, these lyrics echoed to me for a while
the wheel keeps turning
the sky’s rearranging
look my son
the weather is changing
I’d like to feel that you could be free
look up at the blue skies
beneath a new tree
open heart
and a new sky,
follows the rythm
of a new man.
vibrations after feeling that freedom you offer…